Should your company elect to be taxed as an S corporation? In California, certain professions that require a state license are prohibited from forming a limited liability company or a traditional corporation and instead must incorporate as a professional corporation. By default, California professional corporations are taxed as C corporations. As a C corporation, your professional corporation would pay federal taxes on its profits, and you would also pay individual taxes if you receive salary, bonuses, or dividends from the corporation.
Tax Advantages of the S Corporation
By electing to be taxed as an S corporation, your professional corporation would instead be a pass-through tax entity, like an LLC or a partnership. Electing to be taxed as an S corporation may also allow you to pass losses from the business to your personal income tax return, where you can use the losses to offset income that you may have from other sources.
Finally, if the corporation pays you a “reasonable salary,” you may not be required to pay self-employment taxes on any shareholder dividends you receive in addition to your reasonable salary.
Disadvantages To Being Taxed as an S Corporation
A drawback of electing to have your professional corporation taxed as an S corporation rather than a C corporation is the cost of the premiums for shareholder benefits. In a C corporation, costs like insurance coverage are deductible as a business expense. Additionally, the shareholders may not be taxed on the value of the benefits.
Another drawback is the restrictions on who can be a shareholder of an S corporation. For example, S corporations may not have shareholders who are non-resident aliens.
Finally, S corporations may only issue one class of stock whereas C corporations can have different classes of stock that have different rights and liquidation priorities.
You should consult with your CPA or tax professional to make sure being taxed as an S corporation is the best fit for your professional corporation. However, for most California professional corporations, an S corporation election is likely to provide the most tax savings.
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